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ERM LibGuide

Searching for E-Resources

Searching Best Practices

The first step to create an order record and purchase order line is to select the resource for acquisition in the Community Zone. It’s helpful to use CZ records as these records are automatically updated by Ex Libris as content and platform changes are made by publishers.

It can be challenging to search and select a resource from the CZ because oftentimes multiple versions of a package are available. For example, PsycINFO is available from APA, EBSCO, and ProQuest. When activating journal content, it’s important to find portfolios that match full-text coverage and the title list of a given package.

Ordering Ebooks with Rialto


eBook ordering Rialto:

Librarians will select the ebook titles they wish to purchase.  At the time of selection, Librarians will choose the platform on which the ebook is offered, the fund that it should be purchased from, and any interested users that may want to be notified when the ebook is active and ready for use.  

1. In Alma, navigate to Market > Orders Awaiting Approval  to find the list of selections waiting to be purchased.  

2. Make sure that all items selected have a Fund associated with the item.

3. For each selection, click into the white space to look for library activity (specifically we are looking to make sure this isn't available as an ebook in our institution zone already). If the electronic version is NOT in our Institution Zone already go to #4.

  •  If a selected item already has an electronic version active in our Institution Zone, then it needs to be "rejected".  To reject an ebook, click on the "..." on the right side of the screen and click "reject" and then choose a reason from the dropdown menu.


4. Once each title has been reviewed, click the check box on the left of the item (or click on the select all check box) and click on "Approved Selected" in the upper right corner.  

5. You will get a confirmation screen that shows how much money is being spent from each fund.  Click on the down arrow next to the fund name to expand the fund account details.  Make sure that there is money in each money left after the order is placed.  If there is enough money in the fund then click "Confirm" and your order is placed. 

  • If there are not enough funds to cover the purchase, then you will need to cancel the confirmation page and reject ebooks selected from that fund until the dollar amount is within the amount left in the fund.  
  • You will choose the option "reject and move to list" > "Funds at capacity order in new FY"
  • Go to the "Funds at capacity order in new FY" list and create a note to track which fund it should be ordered from in the next fiscal year.  
  • An email may need to be sent to the librarian letting them know they had titles rejects and the reasoning for that.  


6. After you have confirmed the ebook purchase navigate to Market > Order History.  Click on the white space of one of the titles that you just purchased (most recently purchased appear at the top of the list) and then click on the Title Details section to find out what platform the ebook was purchased for.  Then scroll to the top of that side window and click on the POL number.  In the POL summary tab, fill in the Access Provider field with the platform that ebook was purchased on. Click "save" when finished. 

Acquiring eBooks - Purchases Made Outside Rialto


eBooks - Single Title 

Creating the Order and POL:

1. If an ebook cannot be purchased through Rialto, ERM will contact the vendor directly to place the order and secure pricing.  

2. ERM will search for the title in Alma, assign it to an electronic collection, and start the ordering process.  Once the correct eBook title has been found and paired with the correct electronic collection, click on the "..." to the right of the title and choose "Order".


3. ERM will start the order process by filling in the PO Line type  and PO Line Owner.  When these two fields are filled out click "Create PO line"


4. On the next screen, on the "Summary Tab" enter in the following information:

  • Under the "Vendor Information" section, fill in the fields for the Material Provider and Access Provider that correlates to the vendor we purchased the eBook from and the platform in which the eBook is being purchased on. 
  • Under the "Pricing" section, fill in the List Price
  • Under the "Funding" section, fill in the monographic fund that is being used to purchase the Book.  The price should be automatically entered.
  • Under "PO Line Details" section, choose "Book" from the drop down menu for Material Type, Click the box for Manual Packaging if there is more than one eBook being ordered from the same vendor (if there is only 1 title being ordered, leave this unchecked.)
  • Under "Reporting Codes" section, enter in the reporting code that corresponds to the fund the item is being ordered from in the 1st Reporting code field.  Ebook reporting codes will ALWAYS end in INT.  


5. If this eBook is for a particular user (librarian will specify this) click into the "Interested User" tab and add the user by clicking on the "+Add Interested User" link.  

6. When the entire POL has been filled out click "Order Now" button.  


7. If there is only one eBook being ordered skip down to #8 for activation.  If there was more than 1 ebook ordered, you will need to package the POLs together into a PO.  To package the POLs click over in the left menu on Acquisitions > Purchase Order  > Package.  Find the items you ordered and click on the box in the left corner of the title.  Then click the button in the upper right hand corner to package the POLs together.


8. Find the title in one of the tabs in the "Electronic Resources Activation Task List" and click on the "..." to the right of the title and choose "Edit Resource" from the dropdown menu.   


You will work through the following tabs: General, Acquisitions, Notes, and Under the "General" tab, change the Portfolio Availability field to "Available", then click over to the "Acquisitions" tab.



In the "Acquisitions" tab, please select from the dropdown menu to assign the Public Access Model.

  • unlimited user - UU
  • Non-L - UA
  • 3SU - 3SU
  • 1SU - 1SU

After the Public Access Model is set then click over to the "Notes" tab.


Under the "Notes" tab, please make the note "DRM-free" or any other applicable note in the Internal Description field.  If desired, you can go to the "Linking" tab and Test Access to make sure the eBook is active and working properly.  When you have gone through all of the tabs and the field are filled out as desired, then click "Save" in the upper right corner.


You should be taken back to the Electronic Resources Activation Task List page.  Find your title again in one of the 3 tabs (probably under the "Assigned to Me" tab since you were the last one to touch the record.  Click on the "..." off to the right of the title and choose "Done" from the dropdown menu.  

Acquiring Journals

Journals - Single Title

1. Acquisitions will provide ERM with a list of journals that are being subscribed to.

2. ERM will search for the title in Alma's Community Zone (CZ), assign it to an electronic collection, and start the ordering process.  Once the correct eJournal has been found and paired with the correct electronic collection click on the "..." to the right of the title and choose "Order".  














3. ERM will start the order process by entering  the PO Line type and PO Line Owner.  When these two fields are filled out click "Create PO line"  On the next screen, ERM will record the POL# that is created on our shared spreadsheet for Acquisitions.  Under the "Vendor Information" section, you can enter in the Access Provider that correlates to the platform the eJournal is being subscribed to on.  Enter no other information and click on "Save" in the upper right corner of the page.  














4. ERM will then assign this title over to Acquisitions (Connie Mead).  Start by clicking on "..." to the right of the title and choosing "Assign To".  Next, click on Connie's name in the drop down menu and then click on "Assign to" in the bottom right.



5. Acquisitions will then run a job to combine the POL into a PO to be given to the vendors. 

6. Acquisitions will fill in the fund and vendor information on the screen back from Step 3 and click "Order Now" when that information is ready.  

7. ERM will activate and catalog the title after being notified by Acquisitions or by the Vendor through a notification of access (NOA) email. 

8. Find the title in one of the tabs in the "Electronic Resources Activation Task List" and click on the "..." to the right of the title and choose "Edit Resource" from the dropdown menu.  You will work through the following tabs: General, Acquisitions, Notes.  Under the "General" tab, change  the "Portfolio Availability" field to "Available", then click over to the "Acquisitions" tab.  Under the "Notes" tab, please make any applicable notes in the Internal Description field.  If desired, you can go to the "Linking" tab and Test Access to make the eJournal is active and working properly.  When you have gone through all the tabs and the fields are filled out as desired, then click "Save" in the upper right corner.  You should be taken back to the Electronic Resources Acvitvation Task List page.  Find your title again one one of the 3 tabs (probably under the "Assigned to Me" tab since you were the last one to touch the record.  Click on the "..." off to the right of the title and choose "Done" from the dropdown menu.