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Although APA PsycINFO is an American Psychological Association (APA) database, and is considered the primary database for psychology research, you may want to search additional databases depending on your topic.  

  • Search SocINDEX for topics that deal with social psychology, and marriage and family.
  • Search Academic Search Complete for topics that deal with mental health counseling
  • Search Web of Science (which includes MEDLINE) for neuroscience or neuropharmacological topics.

Two other databases that can be helpful for certain topics:

  • APA PsycTests provides access to actual test instruments, most of which are available for immediate download and use in teaching and research
  • APA PsycBOOKS provides the full text of all the books published by the APA 

Complete list of databases that may have resources relevant to your research topic. 

Online Reference Resources

     General Psychology

     Human Behavior
