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Counseling and Family Therapy


Although APA PsycInfo is an American Psychological Association (APA) database, and is considered the primary database for psychology research, you may want to search additional databases depending on your topic.  

  • Search Academic Search Complete for topics that deal with mental health counseling
  • Search SocINDEX for topics that deal with social psychology, and marriage and family.
  • Search Web of Science for neuroscience or neuropharmacological topics.
    • Web of Science also includes the Social Science Citation index that can help you perform citation mining/searching.

Other databases or e-books that can be helpful for certain topics:

Complete list of databases that may have resources relevant to your research topic. 

Counseling Journals

Searching for information directly on a journal's web site may not allow you access to the full text, most journal content requires a paid subscription.  Our library purchases subscriptions for you but to access this content you will need to go through the library website/databases.  

The main database for psychology information is APA PsycInfo.  However, the top journals in the counseling profession are not indexed in APA PsycInfo. You will have to also use other databases when you are doing research.

When searching in any database, remember to click  to find full text in another database or place an ILLiad (interlibrary loan) request if full text is not available.  

Trauma Resources

Along with searching APA PsycInfo for articles there are handbooks and topical books available. The titles below are in print and online. You will also find additional online titles published by APA in the APA PsycBOOKS database. 

To find additional online and print books in specific areas of trauma e.g. PSTD, search the library catalog

  • Limit to books by selecting the "Books" tab above the search box. 
  • Limit to online titles when you are looking at the search results list.

Online Reference Resources


     Human Behavior
