Library Search
Library Search allows you to search across a wide array of books, articles, and other sources in our library and in libraries around the world.
Enter a search term(s) in the box below to get started with Library Search.
Google Scholar
Google Scholar (GS)
Google Scholar is a very helpful search tool for exploring issues within a topic. The "cited by" link indicates how many subsequent works cited this one and offers some guidance as to what articles are most important.
Tip! Connect Google Scholar with Our Library
Changing the settings in Google Scholar to include a "Find it @ Wheaton" link will give you access to full text resources that the library subscribes to and give you access when you are off campus.
Article Search Tips
Use AND to combine keywords and phrases when searching the electronic databases for journal articles.
Business AND Ethics
Technology AND Humanity
See if the database you are using has a thesaurus that you can use to explore the database.
If available, use the thesaurus terms to build a search string.
Do not limit yourself to a single database.
Each database contains different content. This matters a great deal in determining what scholarly literature you can find in a particular database.