Provides full text of various research journals focused on the biological, ecological, and environmental sciences. Includes coverage of energy and environmental policy.
Produced by the American Geosciences Institute, this comprehensive geosciences database contains bibliographic records for geosciences literature from around the world.
Provides citations and abstracts of scholarly and general interest titles, government documents and reports related to the relationship between human beings and the environment.
Provides citations to journal articles and access to article references in the natural and social sciences.
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The following websites provide data, reports, and other information from government and professional agencies.
Founded in 1915 to promote ecological science. The website provides access to open-access environmental journals, as well as information about events and activism.
A scientific data and information management platform used directly by science teams. ScienceBase provides access to aggregated information derived from many data and information domains, including feeds from existing data systems, metadata catalogs, and scientists contributing new and original content.
The EPA National Library Catalog consists of several related databases that comprise a shared catalog. Use the catalog to locate books, reports, journals, and audiovisual materials on a variety of topics.