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Reference managers are easy-to-use tools that can help you collect, organize, cite, and share research sources. This guide will explain how to install Zotero and Mendeley.


Use Zotero groups to collaborate and share

Introduction to Groups

Created by Jason Puckett at Georgia State University

How does using Zotero with groups differ from using it as an individual?

Creating groups allows the sharing of citations and associated information, however, there are some differences from your individual account that you should be aware of.

Citations in a group folder are a copy, not just a pointer. 

  • When you add citations it works like an iTunes account. When you add a citation it is placed in your "my library" folder.  When you move the citation to another topic folder, you are adding a pointer not moving a copy of the actual citation. In a group folder the citation is actually copied.

    • Changes made to a citation in your "my library" or other folders will not be replicated in the group folder. You will need to copy the changed citation into the group folder.

    • Because it is a copy, you can delete the citation from "my library" and it will still be in the group folder.

    • Once the citation is in the group folder it will act the same as being in the "my library" folder and copying it to sub folders under the group folder is a pointer, not a copy of the entry. 

Space use calculation

  • Space use by a group folder is reflected only in the owner account. Therefore if you think you will exceed the limit of a free account only the owner of the group folder has to purchase additional storage. 

  • You will want to seriously consider purchasing additional storage for the owner account if you are having multiple members adding citations for more than one standard paper/project.

Why don't I see my group folders?

- Click on the next to Group Libraries at the bottom of the collection/folder window to expand the list.

- Enter your login and password information under Preferences -> Sync, then click the "sync" icon on the toolbar.

Frequently asked questions